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[ PENUMBRA Building & Civil Works ]

Best Construction Solutions

We provide general construction and project management
services on turnkey basis using proven technologies and systems
to deliver optimal results for our clients. This is why we always
deliver quality projects within budget and on time.

[ About Us ]


PENUMBRA BUILDING & CIVIL WORKS is a limited liability company based in Nairobi Kenya. We operate within the larger East African region.

We provide general construction and project management services on turnkey basis using proven technologies and systems to deliver optimal results for our clients. This is why we always deliver quality projects within budget and on time.

Over time, we have built on our internal capabilities to effectively undertake all kinds of construction works. We are now able to mobilize the requisite construction resources and a team of skilled professionals, to deliver any kind of construction projects.

We handle projects that span across different clients and regions and we welcome the challenge to deliver any project. Indeed, have successfully delivered many projects in the
most remote parts of this region.

As a result, clients have come to count on these capabilities and we endeavour to do more. We have the ability to deliver capital projects safely, on schedule, within budget and with the quality our clients expect. We have developed a sustainable business model shaped by various compliance and policy requirements and we are committed to promoting environmentally sustainable projects that will last for a long time.

Penumbra Building and Coil works is a ‘reliable’, trustworthy construction partner delivering quality in all project phases’. 

[ company strategy ]

Our Philosophy

Our vision is to become the preferred partner in the construction sector by providing quality in all project phases.

Our Mission is to provide high quality, sustainable construction projects by being professional, compliant to set codes effectively utilizing resources.

In order to achieve our vision, we will continue to uphold our mission, guided by these firmly held values.

Quality: We have built the capability to deliver quality projects and will continue to build on these competencies by investing in more innovative and sustainable processes.

Ethics: Uncompromising integrity, honesty and fairness.

Excellence: We have set high standards, apply latest technologies and always comply to set codes and policies.

Team Work: Our Construction team works closely with the client to bring out excellent living spaces, deliver our projects. We encourage teamwork, mutual respect and professionalism.

Safety: Our goal is always be proactive to prevent accidents at any of our projects are made to last for a long time, we ensure that they are environmentally sustainable; now and in the future.

Compliance: We are focused on satisfying the needs of our customers while adhering to set codes and policies.

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Current Clients
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years of experience
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awards winning
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Offices Worldwide
[ About Us ]


We have built capabilities for project management in order to tie togethe r all activities on a project. A project may be well conceived and adequately financed; the contracts may be carefully drawn up, the contractors and workers highlyexperienced .

We are aware that all aspects of the project are not expertly integrated and managed, it may overrun the budget, fail to meet the schedule, or fall short intechnicalquality . Over the years, we have built our experience by working on very complex engi neering and cons truction jobs . We are also experts at resolving conflicts. We are also experts at resolving construction challenges and identifying issues before they become problems. Our team focuses on the overall picture, establishing priorities and coordinating activities and participating to ensure quality on projects, that are delivered safely, on time, and within bud get.

When it comes to environment and sustainability, our focus is to address tomorrow's needs in what we design today. This way, all our projects meet the long-term needs of our clients, are environmentally friendly and compliant wi t h r u l e s a n d r e g u l a t i o n s . We are committed to environmental excellence and always use the latest technologies and processes to integrate 'green' functional design concepts.

These include;
1.Mi n imi z i n g u s e o f t imb e r i n :
          •Advocating for structural steel form work
          •Using steel scaffolds and steel framework
          •Gypsum ceilings and drywall partitions.

2.Minimizing noise, dust levels and water wastage in construction site by using:
            •Premixed concrete and concrete pumps
            •Mechanized construction.

3.Advocating for Green houses-Houses with maximum natural lighting, minimum heat retention from the environment. Maximum rain water collection and use of Bio-digesters.

We remain committed to quality management systems by continually assessing our processes to enhance project outcome for our customers. All our projects and activities are underpinned by quality and quality standards.

We endeavor to maintain this culture of excellence in the projects we deliver and the professional conduct of our team across these projects.

We shall remain responsive to the changing needs and expectations of our customers while keeping to our core values and promoting superior individual and team performances and accountability in line with our vision.

We are committed to safety and health for both our employees and our projects. We believe that every accident is preventable and implement this principle through a combination of technical field procedures, skills and knowhow, use of high quality materials and ongoing training programs.

Get in Touch

    [ Penumbra Limited ]

    Let's Start a Project

    Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on business days. We will be happy to answer your questions.


    P.o Box 2191 - 00100 Nairobi